New Pokemon Twin Sets – Ancient Roar & Future Flash
Update 6th October!
Rejoice Pokemon card collectors! We’ve just received news of some of the new AR card reveals for Ancient Roar & Future Flash! So let’s get right to it..
First off we have the Wimpod AR, followed by a War of the Worlds-esc Toedscruel AR. A very ‘far out’ looking Veluza AR, Swablu AR, an incredibly cute Magby AR and a not-so-cute but equally cool looking Golisopod AR!
My personal favourite of the bunch! This absolutely stunning Espathra AR
More updates to follow as we expect some more AR reveals and hopefully get to feast our eyes on the selection of SARs and Full Art Trainers!
Note: SV4M = Future Flash / SV4K = Ancient Roar
On October 27th we can expect a double/twin release from Japan which combined with the new Raging Surf expansion will form ‘Paradox Rift’, the English equivalent release coming in November.
So, what do we know so far?
Let’s start off big! We know Ancient Roar and Future Flash will feature Pokemon in the same vein. Those of you who have played the Scarlet & Violet games will know a little bit about these ancient and future mechanics already.
We have already seen from the Paradox Rift reveals the new Brute Bonnet and Iron Moth represent both Ancient and future.
We have been given a little taste of some of the Japanese reveals such as:
- Iron Hands
- Slither Wing
- Sandy Shock
- Iron Jugulis
As we approach the release of Raging Surf, we can expect another dose of card reveals which will show us the expected ARs and SARs available in these new parallel sets. We will be sure to keep you updated!